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Obstructive Sleep Apnea Could Be The Cause Of Your Snoring

snoring snore therapy oral appliance therapy medina ohIf your partner has been bringing up your loud and intrusive snoring, take the time to talk to a qualified expert in sleep science. It’s about more than just the loss of sleep, they are showing their concern over your health, and they might be right. Your snoring could actually be a symptom of chronic obstructive sleep apnea, which is a common sleep disorder that occurs when your throat becomes a little too relaxed during your deepest form of slumber.

With our sleep center professionals in Medina, OH, you can take steps to enhance your overnight. Our team uses highly advanced oral appliance technology to bring patients a more comfortable (and quieter) night of sleep, which can be a real help for those who are looking to avoid the use of traditional CPAP therapy. If you have tried another method and it simply has not worked out for you, take the time to learn about the advantages of appliance-based treatment for chronic obstructive sleep apnea. To schedule an appointment for a consultation, call our front desk today, and be sure to ask all of your questions!

Your Snoring Could Be A Common Sleep Disorder Symptom

Loud snoring might be a sign of something more. Chronic obstructive sleep apnea happens during your deepest form of sleep, when your body acts a bit differently than it does during the day. As the throat tissue relaxes, it can soften to an extent to where it blocks your airway. This can cause aggressive snoring that sometimes affects a partner’s sleep; in many instances, it’s the urging of a loved one that starts the treatment process.

While snoring might not seem that important to you, sleep apnea can actually pose a serious problem for your health. Patients with this condition experience a higher risk of major, sometimes life-threatening, events like heart attack and stroke. Apnea can also play a role in the development of Type 2 diabetes, so it is important to talk with your provider about treatment and then, stick to it.

Oral Appliance Therapy Provides A Quieter Obstructive Sleep Apnea Solution

For some people, the idea of a bulky CPAP machine is enough to turn them away from seeking treatment for their chronic obstructive sleep apnea. If this sounds like you, talk to an expert about the possibility of appliance-based sleep apnea therapy. This method gently shifts the positioning of your jaw overnight, keeping your airway free without the need for hoses and wires. Simply pop in your appliance and sleep!

Discover Appliance-Based Apnea Treatment With Medina

Is your loud snoring keeping up your family? Then it is time to talk to a sleep expert about improving your overnight. To find out more about appliance-based therapy for chronic obstructive sleep apnea, call Medina Sleep Solutions in Medina, OH at (234) 219-3486 today!