How Oral Appliance Therapy Helps You Sleep

medina sleep appliance

When you have sleep apnea, this could mean chronic snoring and daytime drowsiness. Without treatment, this could eventually lead to poor health too. But our team can help, and we can do so without the need for a CPAP machine. Our caring sleep apnea treatment clinic in Medina, OH, can help you rest easy again with oral appliance therapy.

How Sleep Apnea Prevents Good Rest

When you have sleep apnea, while you rest at night your REM sleep is interrupted by the collapse of soft tissues in the back of the mouth and in your throat. The collapse cuts off airflow so you stop breathing briefly until the brain wakes you after registering the drop in oxygen. Some may not remember these episodes happening, while others will wake suddenly gasping for air or choking. These constant interruptions leave you feeling exhausted the next day. You could also experience moodiness, snoring, headaches, and even issues with memory and concentration. But we have a custom sleep appliance that can help!

Designing Your Custom Appliance

First, we may ask you questions about possible symptoms and your sleep habits to assess your risk. We can also conduct an at-home sleep test, which can help us make a diagnosis with precision and is used from the comfort of your own home. When we discover the presence of sleep apnea, we will take detailed digital images and measurements of your smile from multiple angles, and use them to custom-fit an oral appliance, so you can start treatment.

Treating Your Snoring and Sleep Apnea

The oral appliance is worn at night while you sleep, fitting like a mouthguard. Once in place, the oral appliance will gently shift your jaw and tongue forward slightly, which helps keep airways open and free of obstruction. You breathe without interruption, and wake up feeling more rested and refreshed. The appliance is easy to use and clean, and can be stored conveniently and even travel with you as needed. For many, this is a comfortable and more effective alternative to the traditional CPAP machine. You can also help by resting on your side, avoiding screens in the hour before bed, and keeping your bedroom dark and cool.

If you have any questions about how our team will use a CPAP alternative to offer better rest and relief from sleep apnea, then contact our team today to learn more. We look forward to helping you rest better!

Find Out More About Our Oral Appliances With Medina Sleep Solutions

We want to make sure you can feel rested and relaxed in 2025 and beyond. To schedule a visit and discover if you need an oral appliance, call Medina Sleep Solutions in Medina, OH at (234) 219-3486 today!